Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Tate Competition

Happy Art Year 2010! So many amazing line-up exhibitions this year. I am very excited.

... writing an entry in my journal on J Baldessari's Tate Exhibition last year.

I have been a bit lazy with updating blogs even though I have planned a year full of art. My new year resolution is to also be more up-to-date and upbeat with my writing. I'm a neophyte so it takes ages for me to write anything. Plus I tend to write long entries... 

I recently discovered and am loving this new online thing Tate has going on. Lots of updates on Twitter and Facebook! They are doing very well with that. Heart.Heart.Heart.

Anyhoo I entered this competition, telling Tate Online about our dates at Tate or how we found love there. I'm not really in it for the free meal. I just really wanted to tell the story somehow.

Here it is...  You can also view the link above for others. It's so nice to hear real life love stories close to Valentine. Another bravo-idea there, Tate Online! :) 

... THE view from Tate Modern